Episode 11
Wedding photographer Natalie Watts on growing a successful business
#011 - So if you want to hear about success in the world of photography from someone who went to university to study photography but admits that she learned next to nothing there about running a business then this episode is definitely for you.
Natalie Watts talks to us about her photography journey, from humble beginnings to making it a commercial success and how she’s flying on Instagram too. She shares some of her techniques on how to attract a large following so if you’re not fully embracing Instagram for your photography or if you feel the need to step up to the next level then you’re going to learn a lot from Natalie.
And towards the end of this episode she talks about ways that she can help you with your business too so make sure you don’t miss that.
Her amazing heated eye mask! Link to Amazon here
Natalie Watts online
Website: www.nataliejweddings.com
Instagram: nataliejweddings